Posted by: rustysadventures | August 15, 2009

Ashland, OR – Part 1

We’re on our second day in Ashland, OR.  It’s an artsy little town with a very quaint downtown area and well-maintained craftsman houses in the neighborhood on the hill above the downtown.  Right now, their annual Shakespeare Festival is going on, which is one of the town’s claim’s to fame (it made the NY Times yesterday).  The festival offers several plays a day, plus a free “Green Show” in a park, which we were fortunate enough to see last night.  We stayed in a campground outside of Ashland that’s not worth mentioning by name, and decided to stay in a hotel tonight so we can enjoy Ashland for another day.  We were fortunate to find a place in downtown that had a last minute cancellation, and now we’re looking into babysitting services.  Paula and I are due for a night out without the kids – plus today is actually our 14 year anniversary of our first date.  Last night’s meal was fun – appetizers and wine from a local co-op grocery store while we watched the Green Show, followed by dessert at a “make your own” yogurt place – but we’re hoping for something a little nicer.

I’ll post some more pics later on… I only have my iPhone with me at the moment, not my camera, and I had an iPhone catastrophe today.  All my data got wiped out – it was connected to my computer doing a software update when my computer shut down – and it had to be restored to factory settings.  I didn’t lose anything irreplaceable, but it’s a pain in the arse none-the-less.

The boys amuse local teens as they splash each other at a fountain in downtown Ashland

The boys amuse local teens as they splash each other at a fountain in downtown Ashland

Waiting for the Green Show: the boys are transfixed by the rehursal of the modern dance routine, performed to Nat "King" Cole music.

Waiting for the Green Show: the boys are transfixed by the rehursal of the modern dance routine, performed to Cole Porter music.

We ate breakfast to music at Key of C coffee house (it's a little blurry, but you get the idea)

We ate breakfast to music at Key of C coffee house (it's a little blurry, but you get the idea)

Why'd the deer cross the road?  Apparently they do it all the time in Ashland...

Why'd the deer cross the road? Apparently they do it all the time in Ashland...we saw a few cross the road while wondering around a neighborhood near our hotel.


  1. Hope you had a GREAT B-Day the 3 “installments” always feel like we are w/you.Nice commentaries…..

  2. Leaving tomorrow for WA…hope to see you there.we will be there Wed to Wed…love all around

  3. Great to see more photos…I was born in Crescent City!

    The neighborhood is about the same…with the exception of the growing number of motorcycles in front of your house.

    We miss you!

  4. My grandparents lived in Medford, and I’ve been to Ashland several times – love the pictures and the fun stories of life on the road!

  5. We love Ashland and make the road trip there every two years. Hope you found babysitting. The Shakespeare is amazing and we always shop at the Co-Op. Groovey!

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